Tag Archive for: teen empowerment

Navigating the teenage years can be challenging, both for teenagers and their parents. One of the most common struggles is encouraging teens to take accountability, responsibility, and ownership of their actions and decisions. Brent Williams, Founder and Head Presenter at Empower U, sheds light on how teenagers can transform their mindset to take full ownership of their lives.

The Concept of Life as a Ladder

Brent introduces a compelling metaphor – life as a ladder. From birth until the end, we’re either climbing up or sliding down this ladder, based on our actions and decisions. The direction we move is significantly influenced by whether we operate above or below a metaphorical line.

Check out Episode 2 of The Empower U Podcast where we delve deeper into the concept of living above and below the line.

Playing Above the Line

To ascend the ladder, teens must play above the line, embodying three critical behaviors:

  1. Accountability: Accepting the consequences of their actions without shifting blame.
  2. Responsibility: Proactively managing their life and its outcomes.
  3. Ownership: Embracing their life’s entirety, including successes and failures.

Playing Below the Line

Conversely, descending the ladder is often the result of playing below the line, characterised by:

  1. Blame: Pointing fingers at others for one’s circumstances.
  2. Excuses: Justifying inaction or failure.
  3. Denial: Refusing to accept the reality of their situation.

The Outcome Matters

Brent emphasises that the distinction between right and wrong is less important than the outcome of one’s actions. The crucial question teens should ask themselves is whether their behavior serves their growth and well-being. This simple yet profound perspective shift can help teens evaluate their decisions and actions more effectively, encouraging them to act in ways that are beneficial to their development.

Taking Ownership

Taking ownership means more than just admitting when you’re wrong; it’s about actively shaping your life through conscious decisions. Teens are encouraged to reflect on whether their actions, ethics, and the people in their lives contribute positively to their growth.

Empowering teenagers to take ownership of their lives is a transformative process. By understanding the importance of playing above the line, teens can learn to make choices that propel them up the ladder of life. It’s not just about avoiding negative behaviours but actively choosing paths that lead to personal growth and success.

Personal Development and Life Skills for Teenagers

Ready to dive deeper into personal development and take control of your life? Download our free Empower U program guide to learn more about our seminars designed specifically for teenagers and young adults. Discover how Empower U can help you or your teenager navigate the complexities of adolescence with confidence and ownership. Download the guide now and start your journey towards empowerment.

Leadership isn’t just for CEOs and politicians; it’s a skill that’s incredibly important for teenagers too. Whether it’s taking charge of a group project at school, leading a sports team, or simply standing up for what you believe in, leadership can make a big difference. In this article, we’ll explore how you, as a teen, can develop and harness your leadership skills in order to influence and inspire the people around you in positive ways.

Understanding Leadership

First things first, what does it mean to be a leader? Leadership is about guiding others towards a goal and inspiring them along the way. It’s not just about telling people what to do; it’s about setting an example and bringing out the best in those around you. As a teenager, being a leader means being a role model to your friends and peers.

Key Qualities of a Teen Leader

There are a few key qualities that make a great teen leader. Empathy, or understanding and sharing the feelings of others, is crucial. Being responsible and making ethical choices is also key. And don’t forget integrity – always sticking to your moral principles and promises you make.

In summary, here are some key traits of a great teen leader:

  • Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
  • Responsibility: Making ethical choices and standing by your decisions.
  • Integrity: Sticking to your moral principles, even when it’s tough.
  • Confidence: Believing in yourself and your abilities.
  • Communication: Being able to express your ideas clearly and listening to others.

Effective Communication Skills

One of the most important leadership skills for teenagers is communication. This means not just talking but listening too. Great leaders know how to clearly express their ideas and are just as willing to listen to others’ ideas and feedback.

When it comes to creating success, how we communicate with ourselves is just as important as how we communicate with others. Luckily, positive communication is a skill anyone can learn.

Building Confidence

Confidence is a big part of leadership. It’s about believing in yourself and your ability to make a difference. Remember, confidence isn’t about knowing everything; it’s about being willing to take on challenges even when you’re not sure of the outcome. To be a great leader, you need courage to make decision in situations where others won’t.

Leading by Example

As a leader, your actions speak louder than your words. Showing kindness, working hard, and standing up for what you believe in are all ways to lead by example. When you act in ways that inspire others, you’re being a true leader.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Leadership isn’t about going it alone; it’s about working together. As a teen leader, encourage teamwork and appreciate everyone’s contributions. Recognise that everyone has unique skills and perspectives to bring to the table.

Problem-Solving and Decision Making

Leaders are often faced with tough decisions. Developing your problem-solving skills means looking at challenges from different angles and finding creative solutions. It’s also about making decisions even when they’re tough.

Dealing with Failure and Criticism

Even the best leaders make mistakes. What’s important though, is how you handle them. Learn from your failures and use criticism as a tool to grow. Remember, every mistake is a chance to learn and improve.

Opportunities for Practicing Leadership

There are plenty of ways to practice your leadership skills. Get involved in school clubs or sports, volunteer in your community, or even start a small project of your own. These experiences are great for practicing leadership and can be fun too!

As an Empower U graduate, you also have the opportunity to become a part of our “Assist Team”, which is a great way to put your leadership skills into action and help guide other teenagers throughout an event. Many of the Empower U Assist Team members have gone on to take on other leadership roles in their lives.

Continuous Learning and Growth

The best leaders know that there’s always more to learn. Keep seeking out new experiences and challenges. Leadership is a journey, not a destination, and every experience helps you grow.

Leadership skills for teenagers are all about building confidence, communication, and the willingness to learn and grow. By developing these skills at a young age, you’re setting yourself up for success in the future.

Take the Next Step with Empower U

Ready to dive deeper into developing your leadership skills? Empower U in a 2-day seminar for teens and young adults that focuses on empowering young people like you to become effective leaders. Join us at one of our upcoming events to explore more about leadership and personal growth. Enrol now to start your journey to becoming a teen leader today!

Meet Jordan Staude, an Empower U graduate whose journey from battling anxiety and low self-esteem to becoming a taekwondo black belt and instructor is nothing short of inspirational. Jordan’s story is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of determination, personal growth, and the invaluable lessons learned through the Empower U program. Discover how Jordan harnessed the principles of “Above and below the line” and unwavering commitment to not only achieve her own goals but also inspire others to reach for their highest potential.

Jordan, when you first attended Empower U:

In June 2014.

Your recent successes/ what you have done with your life:

I achieved my black belt in taekwondo. After four years of blood, sweat, tears and incredibly sore muscles I was able to have that belt tied around my waist and know that I’d truly earned it. I have also been taken on as an instructor and now teach others. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I love my sport and I am so grateful to be able to train and teach others who have the same passion I do. Being able to give someone that extra boost of confidence they need to reach their full potential is incredible.

Best memory from Empower U:

The atmosphere of the weekend and the relationships I formed. I made some incredible friends and had the most fun I’ve ever had. Everyone was so supportive and friendly that I felt that I could just be myself. It was an awesome experience and I’ll always remember it as the best weekend of my life.

What lesson have you implemented the most?

I implement two the most – “Above and below the line” and “Do the thing you said you would do, well after the mood you said it in has gone”. Both of which played huge parts in me getting my black belt and just in daily life. Taking ownership of my life and emotions has been incredibly beneficial for me and completely altered my perception of situations. I am now able to look at a seemingly negative situation and turn it around to something positive. Determination also plays an important role in my life. I would never have made it through my training if I gave up every time it got tough. There were times when I wanted to give up, but I was committed – and hard work eventually pays off. Just stay in the race.

How did the program impact your life?

I was really struggling before I attended Empower U. I was very depressed, suffered from anxiety, had very low self-esteem and honestly didn’t see a future for myself. The program gave me the tools, insight and motivation to make a change and save myself. Without the program, I would not be here today. The confidence I have gained is unbelievable and I now feel comfortable in my own skin – something I never dreamed possible for me. I am so grateful for Empower U and I can’t recommend it highly enough. Words don’t do it justice.

What would you say to someone thinking of attending?

Do it. It will be the best experience of your life. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Just take that leap and commit to the weekend. It will be worth it.

What advice would you give to young people trying to better themselves?

Take control. You control your emotions, actions and results and the only person you can control is you. No one else can do it for you. You have unlimited potential and you can do whatever you put your mind to. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. “Shoot for the moon; even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.”

What has been your greatest lesson in life so far?

Dream big and never give up. And don’t be afraid to try something new. “You miss 100% of the shots you never take in life.” Take ownership of your life and follow your dreams. You can do amazing things.

Jordan Staude attended Empower U in June 2014 and has since gone on to do amazing things. If you would like to learn more about Empower U, download our free program guide.