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In a world full of endless possibilities, it’s completely normal to feel unsure about what you want to do with your life. In this video, Brent Williams, the founder of Empower U, shares valuable insight on how to navigate these uncertainties by asking yourself the right questions. Let’s dive into Brent’s advice on how to identify your passions and turn them into a fulfilling career.

Discovering What You Want

The journey to finding your passion starts with a simple question: What do I want? Brent suggests sitting down with a pen and paper and jotting down everything you love, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem. Whether it’s picking flowers, walking dogs, or playing video games, acknowledging these interests is the first step towards discovering potential career paths.

Turning Passions into Profits

Once you’ve identified what you love, the next step is exploring how you can make money from it. In today’s digital age, the possibilities are endless. A quick search on Google can reveal numerous ways to monetise your passions. However, Brent emphasises that motivation should extend beyond just making money. True fulfilment comes from engaging in activities that genuinely interest you.

Understanding Your ‘Why’

Knowing why you want to pursue a particular path is crucial. Your motivation should align with your values and interests, not just the desire for financial gain. Brent shares that it’s not about how much you earn, but what you do with it. He illustrates this point with examples of individuals who have achieved financial success on modest incomes through smart decisions and strategic planning.

Setting Goals and Timelines

Determining when you want to achieve your goals adds a sense of urgency and direction. Brent encourages setting realistic timelines and being prepared to commit to the journey, acknowledging that some goals take time to accomplish.

Watch Now: Setting SMART Goals: A Practical Guide for Teens

Becoming Who You Need to Be

Achieving your dreams may require you to evolve. Brent discusses the importance of attitude, skills, and knowledge (ASK) in this process. The person you are today has brought you this far, but reaching new heights might require developing new skills, adopting a different attitude, or acquiring additional knowledge.

Taking Action

What steps do you need to take to reach your goal? Brent challenges you to consider whether you need further education, unique experiences, or specific knowledge to achieve your ambitions. This step is about making a concrete plan and following through.

Committing to Your Path

Finally, commitment is key. If you can answer ‘yes’ to being able to commit to the necessary steps, then you may have found a career worth pursuing. If not, it’s okay to reevaluate and explore other options.

Asking the right questions can illuminate the path to a career that not only fulfils you but also aligns with your passions and values. The journey of self-discovery is ongoing, and with each step, you come closer to realising your potential.

Ready to delve deeper into personal development and set yourself up for success? Download our free Empower U program guide to learn more about our seminars. Empower U is dedicated to helping teens and young adults like you navigate the complexities of finding your path. Download the guide now and take the first step towards a brighter future.

Before we learn something new, we often do not realise how much we do not know and are yet to learn. At times, when we begin to learn, we discover the gravity of what we do not know and get overwhelmed by its difficulty, which may leave us feeling disheartened. Through understanding the levels of learning, we will be able to more easily recognise how we feel as we keep track of where we are in the learning process. The 4 Levels of Learning are often illustrated as a model that highlights two factors that affect our thinking: Our awareness (consciousness) and our skill level (competence).

1. Unconscious Incompetence

In this stage, we do not have the knowledge or skill set yet, and we do not know that we need to learn it. This is when we do not know what we do not know. For example, as a child who has not been introduced to riding a bike, we are completely unaware of its benefits and usefulness. When a certain idea is introduced to us and we realise that there is value that may be gained from learning it, we then move on to the next level.

2. Conscious Incompetence

When we are in this stage, we are aware of the skill we lack and understand that we must put in the work to bridge the deficit. We can say “I know that I do not know (what this is really about/how to do this)” and hopefully, that will be followed by, “but I would like to learn.” Applying this to the previous example, this is when we begin to learn the fundamentals of properly riding a bicycle and putting it into practice by getting on a bike and working to master its manoeuvring.

3. Conscious Competence

This stage entails being aware of one’s ability to execute, but having to remain conscious as they do so because it doesn’t come naturally yet. This is when we can say “I know I am doing this right” – we know we aren’t incompetent, and that we can ride a bike, but we still need to consciously think about it in order to correctly execute the action.

4. Unconscious Competence

Reaching this stage entails knowing that we know something so well that we don’t even realise that we are doing it when we do. This is when you can ride a bike without even thinking about it, or to take the example even further, when you’re driving a car and you get to your destination without properly remembering how you got there. The skill is so embedded in us that we do not have to continuously process what we are doing.

Embracing the Journey of Learning

The 4 levels of learning framework is best used to help us understand the emotions we experience during the learning process. It helps to reassure ourselves that while learning can get frustrating and challenging, we are well on our way to improving as we continue to do so.

For more information on the 4 levels of learning and The Empower U Program, download our latest program guide or call 1300 039 662.