Tag Archive for: building resilience in teens

In a world where we often focus on what we lack, cultivating an attitude of gratitude can be a game-changer, especially for teens and young adults navigating the complexities of modern life. Brent Williams from Empower U emphasises the profound impact that gratitude can have on our mental and emotional well-being. By shifting our focus from the negatives to the positives, we open ourselves up to a wealth of joy and satisfaction. But how do we make this shift in perspective? Here are some practical, easy-to-implement strategies that Brent suggests for nurturing gratitude in our daily lives, transforming our outlook and enhancing our overall happiness.

1. The Power of Focus

The journey towards cultivating gratitude starts with our focus. What we concentrate on expands in our consciousness. If we dwell on the negative aspects, we might miss out on the positives that surround us. This first step is about consciously choosing to see and appreciate the good in our lives.

2. Gratitude Video (GV)

The Gratitude Video (GV) is a simple yet effective way to practice gratitude. It involves taking a moment each day to record a short video expressing thanks for something or someone in your life. This could be a gesture of appreciation for a friend’s support or a family member’s kindness. Not only does this practice uplift the person you’re thanking, but it also enhances your own feelings of gratitude.

3. Gratitude Letter (GL)

In the digital age, the impact of a handwritten gratitude letter is even more profound. Writing and sending a gratitude letter offers a personal and heartfelt way to express your appreciation. This act has the dual benefit of making the receiver feel valued and deepening your own sense of gratitude.

4. Gratitude Rock (GR)

A Gratitude Rock (GR) acts as a tangible reminder to acknowledge the positive aspects of life. Choose a rock that speaks to you, possibly decorate it, and place it in a spot where you’ll see it every day. Each glimpse of your Gratitude Rock should serve as a prompt to reflect on something you’re grateful for.

5. Gratitude Shot (GS)

The Gratitude Shot (GS) is a brief yet potent exercise. Spend just a minute each day to write down what you’re thankful for. This daily practice can gradually rewire your brain to naturally focus on the positive, transforming how you view the world around you.

6. The Science Behind Gratitude

Scientific research underscores the benefits of gratitude. When we express gratitude, our brain releases chemicals that contribute to a feeling of happiness. Thus, a regular practice of gratitude is not just about acknowledging the good in life; it’s also a pathway to personal joy and contentment.

7. Making Gratitude a Habit

To truly embed gratitude in your life, commit to these practices daily for a week and then weekly for a year. This consistent effort can transform your perspective, leading to a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Gratitude as a Lifelong Journey

Adopting an attitude of gratitude is a continuous journey that enriches every aspect of life. By regularly focusing on the positive, expressing thanks, and making gratitude a habit, you open yourself to a world brimming with happiness and satisfaction.

Empower Your Life with Empower U

At Empower U, we delve into powerful life skills like gratitude that can significantly impact your personal and professional growth. Our workshops across Australia are designed to help teens and young adults like you develop the mindset and skills for a successful and joyful life. Join us at our next workshop to explore more about goal setting, developing healthy habits, and mastering the art of gratitude. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today. Embark on this transformative journey with us and empower your life with gratitude.

The teen years can be thrilling, but they can also bring a lot of stress and anxiety. From school pressures to changes in your social life, it’s totally normal to feel anxious sometimes. But when this anxiety starts to feel overwhelming, it’s important to find ways to handle it. Let’s dive into some practical tips that can help you manage teen anxiety effectively.

1. Spotting Teen Anxiety

Anxiety in teens can look like many things – maybe you’re constantly worrying, feeling super nervous, or even having trouble sleeping. It’s the feeling you get when you’re stressed about a test, a game, or even just hanging out with friends. Many kids resort to social media to escape feelings of anxiety. However, excessive use of social media can further increase anxiety if we don’t take care of the root cause.

2. Talk About It

Talking can be a real game-changer. Whether it’s with your parents, a close friend, or a teacher you trust, opening up about what’s bothering you can lighten your load. If you’re feeling really stuck, chatting with a therapist or counsellor can be super helpful.

3. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Taking care of your body can make a big difference. Try to get some exercise, eat balanced meals, and get enough sleep – yes, sleep really does matter! Also, simple things like mindfulness exercises, deep breathing or meditation can help calm your mind.

4. Getting Organised

Feeling overwhelmed with stuff to do? Try organising your tasks with a planner or an app. Breaking down big tasks into smaller steps can make things feel more manageable. Remember, it’s okay to take breaks and do things you enjoy but don’t let the things you need to get done pile up. Staying on top of things is key to releasing stress.

5. Stay in the Moment

Mindfulness is about staying in the here and now. When you’re mindful, you’re not worrying about tomorrow or stressing over yesterday – you’re just living in the moment. This can really help lower your anxiety. There are lots of great mobile apps to help you develop mindfulness and keep anxiety at bay.

6. Social Media Breaks

It’s easy to get caught up in the world of likes and follows, but as mentioned above, too much social media can add to your anxiety. It’s cool to take a break from your screens and do other stuff you enjoy instead. Studies have found that there is a direct correlation between the amount of time you spend on social media and your levels of anxiety. Try getting outdoors instead, go for a walk on the beach or a run at a local park. When we reconnect with nature, it significantly lowers feelings anxiety.

7. Asking For Help

If your anxiety is feeling too big to handle on your own, it’s totally okay to ask for help. Remember, you’re not alone and we all feel varying levels of anxiety in our lives. Having a chat to a good friend or someone you trust can help shift the conversation in your mind. Getting professional help from a psychologist can also give you tools and strategies to better cope with stress.

8. Finding Your Tribe

Connecting with the right people can make a huge difference in how you handle anxiety. That’s where Empower U seminars are a unique opportunity for you to be around people who share a positive mindset and are all about supporting each other.

In the Empower U environment, you’re not just attending a seminar; you’re joining an Australia-wide community. Here, you’ll meet other teens and young adults who, like you, are striving to overcome challenges and grow stronger. The energy in these seminars is contagious – you’ll find yourself surrounded by positivity, encouragement, and understanding.

One of the most powerful things about Empower U is the emphasis on building connections and fostering a supportive atmosphere. It’s a safe space where you can share your experiences, listen to others, and learn from each other. The impact of being around people who uplift and inspire you cannot be overstated.

Research shows that the people we surround ourselves with have a significant influence on our lives. They can affect our mood, our self-esteem, and even our anxiety levels. By choosing to be part of a community that focuses on positive growth and resilience, like at Empower U, you’re setting yourself up for a more optimistic and proactive approach to life.

Through our seminars, you’ll not only gain practical skills to manage anxiety and stress but also form lasting friendships with people who can positively influence your journey. The connections you make at Empower U become the support network that helps you navigate through the teen years and beyond.

Take Your First Step with Empower U

If you’re ready to join a community that uplifts and empowers, check out Empower U’s 2-day event. It’s more than a seminar; it’s a chance to connect, grow, and surround yourself with positivity. Click here to learn more about our programs and how you can be a part of this life-changing experience. Let’s tackle teen anxiety together in a supportive, empowering environment!

When I started Tomorrows Youth all the way back in October of 2001 I had a vision to enlighten today’s youth by teaching them life skills not focused on in school. The first was a weekend program where I would take teenagers from all kinds of backgrounds and give them an experience that would illuminate their mind, challenges some of their preconceived ideas on their life and future. We launched the Empower U program in July of 2002 and the rest is history when it comes to that. 23,000 teenagers in 6 countries and counting have gone through Empower U and it continues to achieve amazing results for all that attend.

However it was only natural graduates from Empower U would want to continue on their journey of personal growth and self discovery. That lead us to launch the 5-Day Empower U CAMP in January of 2004. It was always intended to be a huge jump for the weekend experience. Primarily because the only participants that would be allowed to attend the Camp were graduates who had gone through the weekend experience. The level of commitment therefore was unparalleled.

On January the 10th, 2016, at 4pm we began what was to be the 11th Camp in our history. 47 participants from around the country came together for a week of self discovery, mental growth and amazing breakthroughs. While I cannot go into details about the experience itself I did want to share some thoughts from graduates who attended and some photos to give you an insight into what an incredible experience this is. I still feel that after all of these years we are the best kept secret around.

Please share this information with anyone you know who has teenage children. What a great start to 2016 it would be if every teenager had the opportunity (whether they saw it as that or not) to experience Empower U for themselves.

Dale Beaumont from Business Blueprint sharing his wisdom and teaching them Goal Setting Techniques

Dale Beaumont from Business Blueprint sharing his wisdom and teaching them Goal Setting Techniques

Dear Brent,

The moment I finished my first 2 and a half-day program, I knew the camp was something I needed to do. As cliché as it sounds, Empower U changed my life forever. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about and implement the lessons I’ve learnt from the program and I knew that camp was going to push me even further to be the best version of myself. After eventually convincing my parents and almost a year of saving all my dollars, the 5-day camp came around…

I had very high expectations of the camp, and of myself. I knew that it was going to be an incredible week and so I set the bar high. Apparently, I didn’t set it high enough… The 5-day camp completely pole-vaulted my expectations and I came out the other side feeling absolutely on top of the world. There really are no words that could adequately describe just how incredible those 5 days are because in order to truly understand the highs, lows, and lessons of the camp, you need to experience it.

So, if you are on the fence about attending camp, or a little unsure, please PLEASE take the plunge. Don’t let excuses hold you back from an experience you will remember for the rest of your life. Camp is a big commitment and you may have to make some sacrifices, but the rewards will pay you back ten fold. Empower U changed my life… The 5-day flipped it upside down. But to be honest… it’s a better view from here.

Ishana Pilger

Owen Matheson was one of the Business Plan judges and a real inspiration to everyone

Owen Matheson was one of the Business Plan judges and a real inspiration to everyone

Dear Brent,

If I thought the 2-day Empower U program was awesome, then the 5-day Camp was S.P.E.C.T.A.C.U.L.A.R.  For me personally, I was very unsure about coming to this camp and how much it would really affect me in my day-to-day lifestyle. But like many, I jumped out of my comfort zone and gave in 110% during the whole 6 days – which is something that I will NEVER regret. The rest of the camp they say is history. By the end, I learnt so many crucial and significant lessons that really changed the way in which I approached my life. Not only that but I developed so many meaningful, loving and long-term relationships with my peers.

Everyday, the camp atmosphere was electrifying and the people at the camp were so enthusiastic, caring and most important of all – they were being true to themselves. This is a place and time where you can do anything, dream anything and achieve anything as long as you give it your all and really believe in yourself that is something in which many schools do not teach. I would highly recommend this to anyone who has done the 2-day Empower U program, who is not afraid of change and who is willing to step out of their comfort zone. Although it may seem very clichéd, I must re-iterate that this truly was a LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCE.”

Once again, I cannot thank you enough and how you’ve really changed my life Brent. I’m so grateful that I got the opportunity to attend such an amazing and life-changing camp :)

Thank you Brent.


Peter Hoang

One of the highlights of the camp was Michael Adamedes and his Dynamic Meditation. A very intense and emotional process for everyone 

One of the highlights of the camp was Michael Adamedes and his Dynamic Meditation. A very intense and emotional process for everyone

Dear Brent,

There are not many words to describe the 5 day Empower U camp. Some that might come to mind are; amazing, life changing, impactful and motivational. This camp for me was 110% the best experience of my life. I enjoyed it so much and I am sure everyone else that has ever done it would say the same. They don’t tell you much about the camp itself and what you do while you’re there. Even if your expectations are extremely high, this camp will blow those expectations out of the water. This camp has most definitely changed my life FOREVER.

The 2 day Empower U was nothing compared to this experience, and that says something. Because I know that nearly everyone that does the 2 day Empower U will say so many amazing things about it. To be honest after doing 2 Empower U’s and 1 Camp, I think there’s only 1 person who didn’t really enjoy it or want to come back.

One of the reasons the 5 day camp is so amazing and impactful, is because you build so many quality relationships with so different types of people, no matter who you are. For example, I’m 14 and someone who I consider to be my “best friend” of the camp was 16 nearly 17. The age difference meant to nothing to anyone. You could talk to everyone and no one would judge you. One of the people who I felt most comfortable around was an adult, mostly because I know they’ve been through a lot, and I had too.

Everyone at the camp wants to be there, and everyone has also had their problems. So you won’t be judged for who you are, which is so amazing because I don’t get that very often. I’m the type of person who got picked on and no one really liked me. But at this camp I feel so comfortable about everyone.

Gus Grgic

Adam, Bronte and Karla were a part of our assist team... where is Mel? They were outstanding

Adam, Bronte and Karla were a part of our assist team… where is Mel? They were outstanding

Dear Brent,

For me the camp was definitely the most fabulous, life changing thing I have ever done in my life. it was super fun and very emotional at times too. It just felt so amazing to be in an environment where I felt free to go all out crazy and be who I want to be without judgment from others. Dance sessions (and mosh pits), well they were so intense, definitely a highlight for me. all the other kids/young adults are all so enthusiastic, energetic, and supportive which just raises the energy of the camp x10.

After finishing the camp I feel so free from whatever emotions or mindsets that were holding me back and I look at the world from a completely different perspective now. the guest speakers were so inspiring and Chris Gray’s Lamborghini was pretty sweet too. Overall, going to the camp was the best decision I ever made, I cannot recommend it highly enough to anyone interested in going. It has certainly changed my life forever and I am so grateful to Brent for doing what he does, Brent, you are so amazing and thankyou so much for being awesome and inspiring me to do amazing things with my life.

lots of love,

Liam Christie


Dear Brent,

I attended EmpowerU for the first time in October 2015 knowing very little about the seminar. In Those 2.5 days I learnt more than I could have possibly imagined from the program. Keen to learn more I signed up for the 5-day camp in January 2016.
The 5-days I spent with Brent Williams and the 47 new family members were the best five days out of the 6397 I’ve spent on Earth. Our bodies were pushed to its limits and our emotions were pushed even further. It was an amazing experience filled with moments of love, care, and brutal honesty. I learnt and grew so much in those five days but I can say with honesty that I could go back next year without hesitation and learn just as much or even more.
To anyone reading this that hasn’t heard of EmpowerU I would I highly recommend it without thinking twice. It is a life changing experience and shifted my perception of myself and others.

Aydin Ucan

Games are a reflection of life and the Camp had plenty of Games to challenge participants in many ways

Games are a reflection of life and the Camp had plenty of Games to challenge participants in many ways

Dear Brent,

After just returning from the 5 day empower U camp I can safely say it was the best experience of my life. Throughout the camp my emotions and body were pushed to the absolute max and I learnt valuable lessons that will stay with me for life. The camp was the most intense, difficult, beautiful, heart warming experience I have ever had. The people were so beautiful. I have grown so much as a person and watched those around me into absolutely incredible people. I want to go back again again and again continue to soak up the valuable lessons that I learned and will continue to learn. To anyone that is on the fence about Empower U or hasn’t heard of it research it an do it as it is absolutely life changing and it will shift your perceptions of yourself an the world around you dramatically

Kirsty Barrett

The Campers loved Chris Gray's property talk... and his Lambo too

The Campers loved Chris Gray’s property talk… and his Lambo too

Dear Brent,

I first discovered Tomorrow’s Youth in 2013, and between then and March 2015 I’d done three single day programs and over this there was a slow learning curve, and then I tried Empower U throughout 2015 which was a bit steeper. Having done Empower U I decided that the camp would be the next logical step. But I didn’t quite realise what I was getting myself into.

The single day programs and the weekends had left me with an idea of where I wanted to go in life, and some possible strategies to get there.

The best thing about the camp, however, is that it gave many more questions, why do you want to get there? Where will you go next? But most importantly, Where are you now? This was a question that I’d often dismissed assuming i’d known the answer, but even though it was eventually me that found it, it wasn’t me that led myself there.

The Camp has the potential it has because there are fifty likeminded people there to support each other. But this only works because we all started at similar points due to prior experiences we’d had at Empower U. So I’d recommend this experience to anyone who has completed the Empower U weekend, if they are sure they want to.

Connor Green

For the first time in our history we will be running two camps in a year. Our next 5-Day Camp will be held on the 3rd to 8th July this year. It should be noted that there are only 7 spots left as the other 41 are taken already.

I am blessed to be able to do this work for a living and constantly be inspired by our Youth

I am blessed to be able to do this work for a living and constantly be inspired by our Youth.