Tag Archive for: positive mindset

For every single one of us, learning to manage our emotions is vital to almost everything we do, whether it’s school, work, relationships, sports, or anything else we choose to devote our time to.

So how do we learn to manage and deal with our emotions and thoughts? The answer is really quite simple… and it comes in 3 steps:

  1. Physiology
  2. Language, and
  3. Focus.

Let’s look at each of these in a little more detail.


Whenever we’re feeling stressed, upset, anxious, worried, or other negative emotions, one of the simplest ways to combat those thoughts and feelings is to change your physiology. Physiology is essentially our body language.

This can be something as simple as just standing up and going for a walk, listening to some music, doing some stretches, or anything else that can change your physical state in order to provide a pattern break from your mental state. While this is usually only a temporary solution for the problem, when we get too caught up in a negative spiral, just doing something physical can ‘snap’ your mind out of that thought process.


Many of us don’t realise the powerful effect that our language can have on the way we think and feel. If we’re constantly using negative language, or putting ourselves or others down, then that is going to negatively affect our emotions. Even when we think we’re joking, our subconscious has no sense of humour, and takes everything we say literally. So when you speak negatively, you’re just feeding negative emotions.

For example, if you say “I have a million things on my mind”, you probably only have a handful of things, but your subconscious takes that literally, which causes stress, worry, and overthinking. To prevent this, teenagers need to take an active role in correcting the way they speak to themselves and one another, in order to drive positive thoughts and emotions.


This is the strongest way for teenagers to grow their ability to manage their emotions. When we’re in a negative state, or highly emotional about something, it’s generally because that’s all we’re focusing on. While there are times where complete focus on something is good, the ability to shift focus from something negative to positive is imperative in order for teenagers to be able to stop a negative spiral of thoughts and emotions and bounce back quickly through focusing on the positives, and being able to find silver linings.

Helping your teenager to learn to manage their emotions is an important skill to give them as they become their own individual, and unfortunately is not one that is really covered in schools. So for parents, finding alternative forms of education, such as Empower U, to support your teenagers growth is the best way to give them a positive mindset to help them achieve success.

For more information about The Empower U Program, click HERE or contact the team on 1300 039 662.

Meet Jordan Staude, an Empower U graduate whose journey from battling anxiety and low self-esteem to becoming a taekwondo black belt and instructor is nothing short of inspirational. Jordan’s story is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of determination, personal growth, and the invaluable lessons learned through the Empower U program. Discover how Jordan harnessed the principles of “Above and below the line” and unwavering commitment to not only achieve her own goals but also inspire others to reach for their highest potential.

Jordan, when you first attended Empower U:

In June 2014.

Your recent successes/ what you have done with your life:

I achieved my black belt in taekwondo. After four years of blood, sweat, tears and incredibly sore muscles I was able to have that belt tied around my waist and know that I’d truly earned it. I have also been taken on as an instructor and now teach others. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I love my sport and I am so grateful to be able to train and teach others who have the same passion I do. Being able to give someone that extra boost of confidence they need to reach their full potential is incredible.

Best memory from Empower U:

The atmosphere of the weekend and the relationships I formed. I made some incredible friends and had the most fun I’ve ever had. Everyone was so supportive and friendly that I felt that I could just be myself. It was an awesome experience and I’ll always remember it as the best weekend of my life.

What lesson have you implemented the most?

I implement two the most – “Above and below the line” and “Do the thing you said you would do, well after the mood you said it in has gone”. Both of which played huge parts in me getting my black belt and just in daily life. Taking ownership of my life and emotions has been incredibly beneficial for me and completely altered my perception of situations. I am now able to look at a seemingly negative situation and turn it around to something positive. Determination also plays an important role in my life. I would never have made it through my training if I gave up every time it got tough. There were times when I wanted to give up, but I was committed – and hard work eventually pays off. Just stay in the race.

How did the program impact your life?

I was really struggling before I attended Empower U. I was very depressed, suffered from anxiety, had very low self-esteem and honestly didn’t see a future for myself. The program gave me the tools, insight and motivation to make a change and save myself. Without the program, I would not be here today. The confidence I have gained is unbelievable and I now feel comfortable in my own skin – something I never dreamed possible for me. I am so grateful for Empower U and I can’t recommend it highly enough. Words don’t do it justice.

What would you say to someone thinking of attending?

Do it. It will be the best experience of your life. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Just take that leap and commit to the weekend. It will be worth it.

What advice would you give to young people trying to better themselves?

Take control. You control your emotions, actions and results and the only person you can control is you. No one else can do it for you. You have unlimited potential and you can do whatever you put your mind to. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. “Shoot for the moon; even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.”

What has been your greatest lesson in life so far?

Dream big and never give up. And don’t be afraid to try something new. “You miss 100% of the shots you never take in life.” Take ownership of your life and follow your dreams. You can do amazing things.

Jordan Staude attended Empower U in June 2014 and has since gone on to do amazing things. If you would like to learn more about Empower U, download our free program guide.