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Navigating the teenage years can be challenging, both for teenagers and their parents. One of the most common struggles is encouraging teens to take accountability, responsibility, and ownership of their actions and decisions. Brent Williams, Founder and Head Presenter at Empower U, sheds light on how teenagers can transform their mindset to take full ownership of their lives.

The Concept of Life as a Ladder

Brent introduces a compelling metaphor – life as a ladder. From birth until the end, we’re either climbing up or sliding down this ladder, based on our actions and decisions. The direction we move is significantly influenced by whether we operate above or below a metaphorical line.

Check out Episode 2 of The Empower U Podcast where we delve deeper into the concept of living above and below the line.

Playing Above the Line

To ascend the ladder, teens must play above the line, embodying three critical behaviors:

  1. Accountability: Accepting the consequences of their actions without shifting blame.
  2. Responsibility: Proactively managing their life and its outcomes.
  3. Ownership: Embracing their life’s entirety, including successes and failures.

Playing Below the Line

Conversely, descending the ladder is often the result of playing below the line, characterised by:

  1. Blame: Pointing fingers at others for one’s circumstances.
  2. Excuses: Justifying inaction or failure.
  3. Denial: Refusing to accept the reality of their situation.

The Outcome Matters

Brent emphasises that the distinction between right and wrong is less important than the outcome of one’s actions. The crucial question teens should ask themselves is whether their behavior serves their growth and well-being. This simple yet profound perspective shift can help teens evaluate their decisions and actions more effectively, encouraging them to act in ways that are beneficial to their development.

Taking Ownership

Taking ownership means more than just admitting when you’re wrong; it’s about actively shaping your life through conscious decisions. Teens are encouraged to reflect on whether their actions, ethics, and the people in their lives contribute positively to their growth.

Empowering teenagers to take ownership of their lives is a transformative process. By understanding the importance of playing above the line, teens can learn to make choices that propel them up the ladder of life. It’s not just about avoiding negative behaviours but actively choosing paths that lead to personal growth and success.

Personal Development and Life Skills for Teenagers

Ready to dive deeper into personal development and take control of your life? Download our free Empower U program guide to learn more about our seminars designed specifically for teenagers and young adults. Discover how Empower U can help you or your teenager navigate the complexities of adolescence with confidence and ownership. Download the guide now and start your journey towards empowerment.

In a world full of endless possibilities, it’s completely normal to feel unsure about what you want to do with your life. In this video, Brent Williams, the founder of Empower U, shares valuable insight on how to navigate these uncertainties by asking yourself the right questions. Let’s dive into Brent’s advice on how to identify your passions and turn them into a fulfilling career.

Discovering What You Want

The journey to finding your passion starts with a simple question: What do I want? Brent suggests sitting down with a pen and paper and jotting down everything you love, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem. Whether it’s picking flowers, walking dogs, or playing video games, acknowledging these interests is the first step towards discovering potential career paths.

Turning Passions into Profits

Once you’ve identified what you love, the next step is exploring how you can make money from it. In today’s digital age, the possibilities are endless. A quick search on Google can reveal numerous ways to monetise your passions. However, Brent emphasises that motivation should extend beyond just making money. True fulfilment comes from engaging in activities that genuinely interest you.

Understanding Your ‘Why’

Knowing why you want to pursue a particular path is crucial. Your motivation should align with your values and interests, not just the desire for financial gain. Brent shares that it’s not about how much you earn, but what you do with it. He illustrates this point with examples of individuals who have achieved financial success on modest incomes through smart decisions and strategic planning.

Setting Goals and Timelines

Determining when you want to achieve your goals adds a sense of urgency and direction. Brent encourages setting realistic timelines and being prepared to commit to the journey, acknowledging that some goals take time to accomplish.

Watch Now: Setting SMART Goals: A Practical Guide for Teens

Becoming Who You Need to Be

Achieving your dreams may require you to evolve. Brent discusses the importance of attitude, skills, and knowledge (ASK) in this process. The person you are today has brought you this far, but reaching new heights might require developing new skills, adopting a different attitude, or acquiring additional knowledge.

Taking Action

What steps do you need to take to reach your goal? Brent challenges you to consider whether you need further education, unique experiences, or specific knowledge to achieve your ambitions. This step is about making a concrete plan and following through.

Committing to Your Path

Finally, commitment is key. If you can answer ‘yes’ to being able to commit to the necessary steps, then you may have found a career worth pursuing. If not, it’s okay to reevaluate and explore other options.

Asking the right questions can illuminate the path to a career that not only fulfils you but also aligns with your passions and values. The journey of self-discovery is ongoing, and with each step, you come closer to realising your potential.

Ready to delve deeper into personal development and set yourself up for success? Download our free Empower U program guide to learn more about our seminars. Empower U is dedicated to helping teens and young adults like you navigate the complexities of finding your path. Download the guide now and take the first step towards a brighter future.

In a world where we often focus on what we lack, cultivating an attitude of gratitude can be a game-changer, especially for teens and young adults navigating the complexities of modern life. Brent Williams from Empower U emphasises the profound impact that gratitude can have on our mental and emotional well-being. By shifting our focus from the negatives to the positives, we open ourselves up to a wealth of joy and satisfaction. But how do we make this shift in perspective? Here are some practical, easy-to-implement strategies that Brent suggests for nurturing gratitude in our daily lives, transforming our outlook and enhancing our overall happiness.

1. The Power of Focus

The journey towards cultivating gratitude starts with our focus. What we concentrate on expands in our consciousness. If we dwell on the negative aspects, we might miss out on the positives that surround us. This first step is about consciously choosing to see and appreciate the good in our lives.

2. Gratitude Video (GV)

The Gratitude Video (GV) is a simple yet effective way to practice gratitude. It involves taking a moment each day to record a short video expressing thanks for something or someone in your life. This could be a gesture of appreciation for a friend’s support or a family member’s kindness. Not only does this practice uplift the person you’re thanking, but it also enhances your own feelings of gratitude.

3. Gratitude Letter (GL)

In the digital age, the impact of a handwritten gratitude letter is even more profound. Writing and sending a gratitude letter offers a personal and heartfelt way to express your appreciation. This act has the dual benefit of making the receiver feel valued and deepening your own sense of gratitude.

4. Gratitude Rock (GR)

A Gratitude Rock (GR) acts as a tangible reminder to acknowledge the positive aspects of life. Choose a rock that speaks to you, possibly decorate it, and place it in a spot where you’ll see it every day. Each glimpse of your Gratitude Rock should serve as a prompt to reflect on something you’re grateful for.

5. Gratitude Shot (GS)

The Gratitude Shot (GS) is a brief yet potent exercise. Spend just a minute each day to write down what you’re thankful for. This daily practice can gradually rewire your brain to naturally focus on the positive, transforming how you view the world around you.

6. The Science Behind Gratitude

Scientific research underscores the benefits of gratitude. When we express gratitude, our brain releases chemicals that contribute to a feeling of happiness. Thus, a regular practice of gratitude is not just about acknowledging the good in life; it’s also a pathway to personal joy and contentment.

7. Making Gratitude a Habit

To truly embed gratitude in your life, commit to these practices daily for a week and then weekly for a year. This consistent effort can transform your perspective, leading to a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Gratitude as a Lifelong Journey

Adopting an attitude of gratitude is a continuous journey that enriches every aspect of life. By regularly focusing on the positive, expressing thanks, and making gratitude a habit, you open yourself to a world brimming with happiness and satisfaction.

Empower Your Life with Empower U

At Empower U, we delve into powerful life skills like gratitude that can significantly impact your personal and professional growth. Our workshops across Australia are designed to help teens and young adults like you develop the mindset and skills for a successful and joyful life. Join us at our next workshop to explore more about goal setting, developing healthy habits, and mastering the art of gratitude. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today. Embark on this transformative journey with us and empower your life with gratitude.

The teen years can be thrilling, but they can also bring a lot of stress and anxiety. From school pressures to changes in your social life, it’s totally normal to feel anxious sometimes. But when this anxiety starts to feel overwhelming, it’s important to find ways to handle it. Let’s dive into some practical tips that can help you manage teen anxiety effectively.

1. Spotting Teen Anxiety

Anxiety in teens can look like many things – maybe you’re constantly worrying, feeling super nervous, or even having trouble sleeping. It’s the feeling you get when you’re stressed about a test, a game, or even just hanging out with friends. Many kids resort to social media to escape feelings of anxiety. However, excessive use of social media can further increase anxiety if we don’t take care of the root cause.

2. Talk About It

Talking can be a real game-changer. Whether it’s with your parents, a close friend, or a teacher you trust, opening up about what’s bothering you can lighten your load. If you’re feeling really stuck, chatting with a therapist or counsellor can be super helpful.

3. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Taking care of your body can make a big difference. Try to get some exercise, eat balanced meals, and get enough sleep – yes, sleep really does matter! Also, simple things like mindfulness exercises, deep breathing or meditation can help calm your mind.

4. Getting Organised

Feeling overwhelmed with stuff to do? Try organising your tasks with a planner or an app. Breaking down big tasks into smaller steps can make things feel more manageable. Remember, it’s okay to take breaks and do things you enjoy but don’t let the things you need to get done pile up. Staying on top of things is key to releasing stress.

5. Stay in the Moment

Mindfulness is about staying in the here and now. When you’re mindful, you’re not worrying about tomorrow or stressing over yesterday – you’re just living in the moment. This can really help lower your anxiety. There are lots of great mobile apps to help you develop mindfulness and keep anxiety at bay.

6. Social Media Breaks

It’s easy to get caught up in the world of likes and follows, but as mentioned above, too much social media can add to your anxiety. It’s cool to take a break from your screens and do other stuff you enjoy instead. Studies have found that there is a direct correlation between the amount of time you spend on social media and your levels of anxiety. Try getting outdoors instead, go for a walk on the beach or a run at a local park. When we reconnect with nature, it significantly lowers feelings anxiety.

7. Asking For Help

If your anxiety is feeling too big to handle on your own, it’s totally okay to ask for help. Remember, you’re not alone and we all feel varying levels of anxiety in our lives. Having a chat to a good friend or someone you trust can help shift the conversation in your mind. Getting professional help from a psychologist can also give you tools and strategies to better cope with stress.

8. Finding Your Tribe

Connecting with the right people can make a huge difference in how you handle anxiety. That’s where Empower U seminars are a unique opportunity for you to be around people who share a positive mindset and are all about supporting each other.

In the Empower U environment, you’re not just attending a seminar; you’re joining an Australia-wide community. Here, you’ll meet other teens and young adults who, like you, are striving to overcome challenges and grow stronger. The energy in these seminars is contagious – you’ll find yourself surrounded by positivity, encouragement, and understanding.

One of the most powerful things about Empower U is the emphasis on building connections and fostering a supportive atmosphere. It’s a safe space where you can share your experiences, listen to others, and learn from each other. The impact of being around people who uplift and inspire you cannot be overstated.

Research shows that the people we surround ourselves with have a significant influence on our lives. They can affect our mood, our self-esteem, and even our anxiety levels. By choosing to be part of a community that focuses on positive growth and resilience, like at Empower U, you’re setting yourself up for a more optimistic and proactive approach to life.

Through our seminars, you’ll not only gain practical skills to manage anxiety and stress but also form lasting friendships with people who can positively influence your journey. The connections you make at Empower U become the support network that helps you navigate through the teen years and beyond.

Take Your First Step with Empower U

If you’re ready to join a community that uplifts and empowers, check out Empower U’s 2-day event. It’s more than a seminar; it’s a chance to connect, grow, and surround yourself with positivity. Click here to learn more about our programs and how you can be a part of this life-changing experience. Let’s tackle teen anxiety together in a supportive, empowering environment!

It’s not uncommon for teenagers to show signs of apathy, especially when it comes to academics, extracurricular activities, and planning for the future. This lack of motivation can be a source of frustration and worry for parents who dream of seeing their child thrive. Recognising this struggle, it’s crucial to approach the issue with empathy and understanding, acknowledging the complex emotions involved on both sides. However, there are some practical ways to motivate your teen and help them on their journey to living their best life.

The Roots of Apathy in Teenagers

Apathy in teens can stem from various sources, including

  • a disinterest in available activities
  • fear of failure
  • overwhelming pressure
  • or simply the daunting task of defining their identity.

Identifying these root causes is the first step towards rekindling motivation, as understanding leads to more effective solutions. In this article, we provide seven ways to help your teenager find renewed motivation and set the bar higher with goals that are both inspiring and achievable.

1. Communication is Key

Effective communication can pave the way for breakthroughs in motivation. Encouraging open dialogue, where teens feel safe to express their thoughts and challenges without judgment, is essential. Active listening, where parents truly hear and empathise with their teen’s experiences, fosters a supportive environment conducive to growth.

2. Setting Realistic Goals Together

Collaboratively setting achievable and meaningful goals can help shift a teen from apathy to ambition. It’s beneficial to break larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, offering a clear path forward and reducing the feeling of being overwhelmed by the bigger picture.

3. Finding Out Where Their Passion Lies

Helping teens explore a variety of interests can ignite a spark of ambition. Encouraging them to try new activities and hobbies may uncover passions that motivate your teen towards greater achievements. The journey to find what truly excites them can transform indifference into enthusiasm.

4. The Power of Positive Reinforcement

Acknowledging efforts and celebrating achievements, regardless of size, significantly boosts motivation. Focusing on effort and personal improvement, rather than solely on outcomes, reinforces the value of perseverance and growth.

5. Creating a Motivating Environment

A home environment that inspires motivation can make a substantial difference. Establishing routines, minimising distractions, and setting up a dedicated workspace are steps towards creating an atmosphere that encourages focus and productivity. Additionally, parents modelling ambition and a positive work ethic can profoundly influence their teen’s behaviour.

Ways to motivate your teenager - Empower U Personal Development Programs

Social media can be a real time sucker and too much screen time can result in apathy and a lack of motivation.

6. Encouraging Independence and Responsibility

Gradually increasing a teen’s responsibility for their own decisions and actions fosters independence, which can be a powerful motivator. Striking the right balance between providing guidance and allowing teens to experience the consequences of their choices encourages personal development and self-motivation.

7. Utilising Help and Resources Available

Seeking external support, such as mentors, tutors, or personal development workshops, offers additional motivation and perspective. Empower U workshops, in particular, provide teens with the life skills and personal development tools needed to transform apathy into ambition, covering a range of topics relevant to their growth.

Remember, It’s a Journey…

Transitioning from apathy to ambition is not an overnight process; it’s a journey that requires patience, support, and a strong relationship between parents and teens. The steps outlined above offer a roadmap for this journey, emphasising the importance of understanding, communication, and positive reinforcement.

Discover How Empower U Can Help

If you’re actively looking for ways to help motivate your teen and support their journey towards ambition, Empower U’s 2-day workshop could be the answer. Our programmes are designed to engage and inspire teens, equipping them with the skills they need to succeed but that aren’t taught in schools. Click here to learn more about our workshops and how we can help your teen move from apathy to ambition. Take the first step towards a brighter future today.

“To do or not to do?” Our minds tell us no, that we might mess up, that we might disappoint, and that it is just too risky – we are fearful. The prospect of failure in the face of uncertainty gives us a reason to hold back, and so we let our fears consume us, as we decide it’s best to stay within our comfort zones.

However, when we choose not to face our fears, what we may fail to realise is that we are actually validating them — giving them the power to grow, to have a stronger hold on us, and to keep us from living our best lives. Our fears are made up of past experiences that have created the references to the limiting beliefs we have now, and when we allow them to, they are powerful enough to keep us from grabbing the opportunities in front of us. Fortunately, a life lived without fear is something that is completely possible for all of us, and achieving this involves recognising what we may find beyond our comfort zones.

Generally speaking, most people associate the idea of stepping out of their comfort zone with a negative feeling, but it is also universally recognised that when we push through it, it ultimately leads to feelings of pride, satisfaction, and an overall sense of happiness. When we allow ourselves to feel our fears and face them head-on, we are able to have a positive, enriching experience that we can grow from. While we are uncertain of its end result, we know that at the end of the day, victorious or not, choosing to take that risk rewards us with an invaluable learning experience to carry for a lifetime.

Most of our fears aren’t based on facts, but on our personal beliefs.

Here is a short clip from a recent Empower U Program where we have a conversation around beliefs, how they are formed and what we can do to create a new set of beliefs that serves us better.

For more information about The Empower U Program and upcoming events, click HERE or give us a call on 1300 039 662.


Undoubtedly, failing is not a very pleasurable experience. More often than not, it leaves us feeling uncomfortable and discouraged, and is oftentimes the force that holds us back when presented with an opportunity that entails trying something new and unfamiliar. Consequently, it stands in the way of our growth and success. 

So how do we keep this from happening? How do we not let the fear of failure keep us from going for the very things that may help us grow?

We must learn to understand the importance of shifting our beliefs about failure. 

In reality, it is the most successful people who have failed countless times, and they are able to do so because they do not see it as something to avoid, but rather an avenue to maximise their growth. Michael Jordan, considered one of the greatest basketball players of all time, once said,

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost more than 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeeded.” – Michael Jordan

As someone who is often in the spotlight, well aware of the importance of each shot he takes, the thought of failing to deliver and disappointing his team and a multitude of fans must be overwhelming – but he recognised how his very failures served as the stepping stones to his extremely successful basketball career. 

Truly, it is when we do not give up that we develop resiliency, as it is when we fail that we are able to truly learn. In Michael Jordan’s case, the shots he missed allowed him to come up with better techniques and strategies so as to improve. And we can learn from this that it is through taking our failures, utilising them to learn gaining a wider perspective, actively asking questions, and continuously making an effort to improve that we are able to maximise the growth opportunities from our setbacks. 

Here’s a short clip from my recent Empower U Program where I talk about failure and how if we really look at it, there really is only one failure in life.

For more information about The Empower U Program download our latest Program Guide or give us a call on 1300 039 662.

Before we learn something new, we often do not realise how much we do not know and are yet to learn. At times, when we begin to learn, we discover the gravity of what we do not know and get overwhelmed by its difficulty, which may leave us feeling disheartened. Through understanding the levels of learning, we will be able to more easily recognise how we feel as we keep track of where we are in the learning process. The 4 Levels of Learning are often illustrated as a model that highlights two factors that affect our thinking: Our awareness (consciousness) and our skill level (competence).

1. Unconscious Incompetence

In this stage, we do not have the knowledge or skill set yet, and we do not know that we need to learn it. This is when we do not know what we do not know. For example, as a child who has not been introduced to riding a bike, we are completely unaware of its benefits and usefulness. When a certain idea is introduced to us and we realise that there is value that may be gained from learning it, we then move on to the next level.

2. Conscious Incompetence

When we are in this stage, we are aware of the skill we lack and understand that we must put in the work to bridge the deficit. We can say “I know that I do not know (what this is really about/how to do this)” and hopefully, that will be followed by, “but I would like to learn.” Applying this to the previous example, this is when we begin to learn the fundamentals of properly riding a bicycle and putting it into practice by getting on a bike and working to master its manoeuvring.

3. Conscious Competence

This stage entails being aware of one’s ability to execute, but having to remain conscious as they do so because it doesn’t come naturally yet. This is when we can say “I know I am doing this right” – we know we aren’t incompetent, and that we can ride a bike, but we still need to consciously think about it in order to correctly execute the action.

4. Unconscious Competence

Reaching this stage entails knowing that we know something so well that we don’t even realise that we are doing it when we do. This is when you can ride a bike without even thinking about it, or to take the example even further, when you’re driving a car and you get to your destination without properly remembering how you got there. The skill is so embedded in us that we do not have to continuously process what we are doing.

Embracing the Journey of Learning

The 4 levels of learning framework is best used to help us understand the emotions we experience during the learning process. It helps to reassure ourselves that while learning can get frustrating and challenging, we are well on our way to improving as we continue to do so.

For more information on the 4 levels of learning and The Empower U Program, download our latest program guide or call 1300 039 662.

Well it’s now been a week since we finished our January 2019 5-Day Camp. This is the most advanced event we run and is only open to graduates of the Empower U weekend program. This was the 19th Camp in Tomorrow’s Youth’s History, and was one of the most challenging camps we have ever run for a variety of reasons. That being said, the greater the challenge, the greater the reward, and this camp was certainly a rewarding and enriching experience for all the participants and the team.

So what makes the 5-Day Camp so different from The Empower U Program? Empower U focuses on teaching a variety of strategies and concrete lessons in the areas of Goal Setting, Communication Skills, Creativity, Emotional IQ, Social Media Etiquette, Money & Finance and Career Guidance. It is very content focused with a handful of experiential moments we like to call “Processes”. Ultimately it is the processes that are most challenging, confronting and ultimately empowering.

The 5-Day Camp flips that completely around. We have a little bit of concrete strategies taught, but the week predominantly comprises experience based learning through multiple “Processes” every day. We essentially take the theory taught at Empower U and put it into practical experiences to really embed the teachings and deliver massive breakthroughs.

Of course, every participant had their own best things or moments from the camp. Have a read below to hear what participants had to say about their experience at the Empower U 5-Day Camp.

“The Best Part of camp was the Michael Adamedes process (Dynamic Meditation). For me it showed that I can do anything. I broke my mental walls, so I am now unable to give myself an excuse not to do something”

– Andrew McIntosh

“The best part of camp was the firewalk for me! As I was so emotionally invested in my board, seeing it be burnt and walking across it truly helped cement my commitment to action in achieving what I wrote about.

– Alicia Alarcon

“The best part of camp for me was the board break. It was the most emotional and invested i’ve been in a board break. I couldn’t break it standing and broke it on the chair, which showed me just how hard i’ll have to work at some things and to not give up. It was also a good reminder that if the first strategy you try isn’t working, changing it may be the best thing you could do.

– Claudia Schulz

“My best part of camp was the mission statement process. Having put down the word determination on my card, the importance of determination could not be more evident to me then now. There were many times I just wanted to stop, and hearing that I was the only person left… I felt so alone and useless, but I still kept going, and I eventually got to my statement. This process really showed me that although you will be faced with challenges in life, big or small, everyone will get to where they want to be if they just keep pursuing their dreams.

– Riley Simpson

Be sure to watch the above video and see the incredible breakthroughs, lessons, and fun we share at camp!

A few weeks ago, I did a interview on the Mike Goldman show about Empower U and the changes I’ve seen in teenagers over my years of running the program. While many of the issues that young people face have remained the same in the last 17 years, there has been one topic that has grown exponentially in the last 7-10 years… and that is Anxiety.

20 years ago, no one really knew what the word anxiety even meant, and few people suffered from it. Today however, almost everyone at least knows someone who has anxiety, if not suffers from it themselves in some shape or form. So, what has been the catalyst for this change? Why are we seeing consistently decreasing standards of overall mental health in young people?

In 2008, the iPhone came out… and it was a technological advance that truly changed the world. Today, everyone has a smartphone. We are constantly checking our screens for notifications, messages, and reminders which provide us with external validation. We form a dependency, and even an addiction to these notifications. We’re tuning out of conversations and becoming less present. Whenever we’re in a situation where it might be slightly uncomfortable or awkward, we’re pulling out our phones. Furthermore, a number of studies have shown that constantly being plugged in and receiving notifications is overwhelming our ability to regulate our thoughts and emotions, creating anxiety and distracting us from being present which is what is leading to this massive growth in anxiety.

In order to change, we need to create healthy habits around technology. Set rules and limitations on yourself so that you’re creating time where you can be present. When we’re present, we sit in our own thoughts and we ask ourselves questions. If we’re constantly distracted by technology, we never get the opportunity to have that time with ourselves. We don’t ask ourselves what we want in life. Or how we plan on reaching our goals. Or how we can make a situation better. We just accept what we have and if we don’t like it, we find other means of stimulation to stop thinking about it. It is this lack of being present and asking ourselves the important questions that creates this tension and anxiety in us.

To learn more about the Empower U Program, download our latest Program Guide here.