Empower U
Ram Savana (right) with wife Em (left).
Are You Ready To Boost Your Teenager’s Confidence, Motivation And Sense Of Purpose?
What if your child could be the next Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs or Tony Robbins?
Imagine your child going from struggling to nailing life, without paying thousands each year in tuition fees
… and ESPECIALLY without any complaints from your teenager.
Empower U is a 2 day personal development and life skills program run right here in Australia by internationally renowned speaker Brent Williams. It is designed to give your teenager or young adult the tools and strategies they need to:
- Gain a sense of direction for their future
- Reach their full potential
- Develop the confidence to achieve their goals
- Build connections with a supportive community of likeminded individuals
- The means to overcome challenges and pitfalls through resilience and mental fortitude
I am a father, coach and author and I’ve been helping young people change their lives for over 20 years.
Whether it’s more motivation, improved attitude, better exam marks, a savings plan, landing a great job, or just a more open family relationship, my Empower U program delivers results fast!
We do this by revealing the very same motivation and high-achievement secrets that propel the world’s top performers to success, and are already working wonders for thousands of young people around the world.
Secrets your child can easily apply to get outstanding results in any area if their own life. Secrets we’ve made so simple to understand and use the you will notice immediate improvements.